Monday, July 15, 2013

Crazy Hair Day!!

My little one started school this year and we have been going through so many fun projects. As I am planning to share all the project posts with you, so far I am successful to share only one which is "Themed Door Decoration". I will eventually share all of them. Right now ...:) :)
My son has Crazy hair day at school. Initially , he wasn't much up for it  because I think he didn't know what it means.
I think before the kids get to know anything about being shy and get an idea of "people are looking at me, this is weird or people will make fun of me" kind of things , we should enjoy and let them have a chance to not get into that feeling is best. So getting back to story, I presented him few ideas that we can do this and that and that and ....
"We are going to color my hairs???" that was first surprised, shocked and excitement he showed and I picked up from there. So I let him know how excited it is to get colored and everything. Then he came up with theme of Jurassic park...yup you heard right. He has a game of dinosaurs where he has small plastic dinosaurs and few little men figures with binoculars and few road name poles.
The night before the actual hair day , I hot glued the dinosaurs and a man and a one road name pole to the clips.
Then we color his hair with fun Green grass color hair spray  and  clipped all the dinosaurs, name poles and men figures to the hair.
After putting clips on I sprayed the green color once more to hid the clips.
Here is the final product :) :) :)

 He has been called on stage for best hairs in the school for the day and of course he was so super excited about it.
So we are making a new "Idea Book" for next year , with lots of ideas flowing by for lots of other fun days.

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